3rd Annual Shelter Cove Ride to the Inn of the Lost Coast: It once again was time for our annual adventure to Inn of the Lost Coast in Shelter Cove (www.innofthelostcoast.com). Terri and I will plan a few rides over the course of the year that we share with you guys who read our motorcycle publication - Thunder Roads NorCal (www.ThunderRoadsNorCal.com).
We have found a few places in our travels that we feel are so special that we feel the need to share them. The Inn of the Lost Coast is defiantly one of those ‘bucket list destinations’. Terri and I dream of this ride all year long because every time we go there we have an amazing time...
See more of this article in the April 2017 issue of Thunder Roads Magazine NorCal (www.ThunderRoadsNorCal.com) Ride FREE - RIDE OFTEN
Stan & Terri aka Hillon2Wheels
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